Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Last Minute Shopping and Tea Parties

One thing I really hate is waiting for the cable guy. My parents had doctors appointments today so I got stuck waiting for the cable guy. He was supposed to be there between 12 and 4. I had to get up around 11 to help lock up the house and gates after my parents left. I kind of dozed on and off downstairs and listened to music while waiting. He didn't come until 330ish. By that time my parents had come back. I had to take a shower and start getting ready to meet Kriztille.

After dinner I headed out to Forest Hills to meet up with Kriztille. It was so cold out. I really hate winter. It's honestly my least favorite season. The train ride wasn't too bad. I headed over to Barnes and Noble to meet her. It was so awesome seeing her! It had been quite awhile since I had seen her last. Of course Barnes and Noble had to change their stuff around upstairs. I was looking for a Balance Ball for my mom for Christmas and the last time I had seen them there were upstairs. So we walked around the store for a bit before Kriz was able to find one. It came with two DVDs that show exercises to use with it, a stretching strap, the ball, and an inflater. It wasn't too expensive either, it was about 20 plus tax.

Next we headed to Bath and Body Works. I had to get another gift. I was a little annoyed by it honestly. It's for this girl Evelyn, she's my friend Kaitlyn's best friend and I know for a fact that she doesn't even consider me a friend. She hasn't talked to me in a long time and deleted me from Facebook way back before Thanksgiving break. I really can't stand her attitude and personality truthfully because she's such a fake person. She texted me the other day asking when can we exchange gifts. I had no idea that she was buying me a gift and I don't get why since she doesn't consider me a friend. I really hate getting a gift from someone and not having one for them. I always feel bad. So I had to get her a little something.

Of course we couldn't hang out in Forest Hills without getting tea. So we headed to Crepe and Tearia, where we go all the time. I had some really yummy Mixed Flowers tea. We hung out there for a really long time before going to Duane Reade. I needed to buy wrapping paper. I got a big roll that had fat Santas on it. It was pretty cute.

I had a great time. I wish I could see Kriztille more often, especially when I'm away at school. I spent the rest of the night wrapping presents. I'm so bad at it, haha.

On a side note -- being an insomniac at home sucks. At school it's fine cause I can hang out with people, but at home I'm stuck awake by myself with no one to keep me company except my cats and they can't talk.

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