Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Miss Alice and the White Rabbit were here.

Work was long. I was done with charts and filing and stuff by twelve. I pretty much sat there for the rest of the day watching the clocks. Sometimes I had some random thing to do. I helped out Rosie when I could. I learned how to make appointments. I called a few people. Overall, I didn't do much. At least yesterday I was busy with things to do.

Anyway after work I walked to 54th to meet the White Rabbit (Kriz) at Hale and Hearty for dinner. It was pretty good. I had Root Beer (no it does not taste like tooth paste) and a BLT wrap. It was super nice out today. I brought a sweater with me this morning cause it was cold when I left, but it was sunny and beautiful out. We walked to Java Girl and along the way we stopped at the pet store on Lex. The puppies were so adorable. Most were sleeping or just laying down, but there was this one puppy that was super hyper active. It was cute and tiny. I wanted to take him home, but I doubt that would fly with the parents. Java Girl is the cutest little cafe ever. I love it.

There weren't really any seats, but soon enough a table opened up. There was this trio sitting next to us and they were taking up space and just talking. They didn't even buy anything, which annoys me. There was this notebook that people write in. There were some poems, some people wrote about how much they liked Java Girl, and some were just little stories about their day. I like the idea of the notebook. I think it's really awesome. We wrote a page saying that Miss Alice and the White Rabbit were here. Kriz did a little drawing. It was really fun. Kriz and I want to open our own cafe one day. It'll be awesome, haha. It was a great evening and I'm glad I got to hang out with her.


  1. I love that alice/white rabbit photo!

    yeah those people were annoying :/

    Our own little cafe would be the cutest thing ever! haha <3

  2. and i dont care
    rootbeer still tastes like toothpaste :P
