Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Laundry and Visits

I trudged to the laundromat down the block. I needed to do some serious laundry before I went back to school. I also should really start packing, haha. It was really hot today in the laundromat and there were these two kids that made me want to scream. They had one of those rolling bins, that you use to carry laundry in, and they kept pushing each other in it around the place and screaming. It was kind of awful.

I had to take a shower after doing laundry. I felt so sweaty and gross from sitting in that hot place. After I got out of the shower I got a call from Jaleesa, asking if it was cool to stop by. I got dressed real quick and waited about ten minutes before walking to the train stop to meet her.

We had Chinese food for dinner and hung out upstairs talking. Gizmo seemed to like Jaleesa. She was being all cute and nice, haha. It was really great to see her since she's been in Maryland all weekend. We're planning to hang out Friday too. I'm excited! We both go back to school on Saturday.

On a side note -- I think I might not be able to eat Chinese food anymore. Or at least from the place we usually order. Everytime we've had it this summer my stomach has hurt soo much afterwards. Oh and I also really really hate canker sores.

1 comment:

  1. glad you got to see jaleesa ;) i hear she's doing well, thats good!

    D: I hate canker sores too, i get them now and then. Get those over the counter thing for them : ) they work hehe
